Arms Leadership

Bob Kruse

Michael Bryant

Bradley Potteiger

Tim Potteiger

Pete Johnson

Josh McCarthy

Steve Sayman

Nick Graves
Our Founding Mission:
End the Ransomware Threat
Arms Cyber is in pursuit of a lofty but achievable goal – to end the threat of ransomware for good. Ransomware is a critical risk for organizations around the world, and the prevalence of these attacks is increasing year-over-year. Arms Cyber seeks to detect and stop attackers dead in their tracks, saving your business from the worst day of its life.
Our Story
Arms Cyber was founded in 2020 by technologist twin brothers Brad and Tim Potteiger with entrepreneur Michael Bryant. When Brad was working on state-level offensive cyber techniques within the US Intelligence Community, the ransomware epidemic was rapidly proliferating around the world. Mainstream attackers were becoming more sophisticated and gaining the edge, while cybersecurity professionals struggled to react.
It seemed that no one was safe. From small businesses, to Fortune 500 organizations, to government agencies, livelihoods were impacted by the scourge of ransomware. Security professionals were debating the problem instead of solving it. That’s when Arms Cyber was born. Our goal is to shift the cybersecurity industry’s thinking toward preemptive, rather than reactive, problem-solving.
We believe that 1) combining movement and visibility in ransomware defense will turn the attacker’s techniques against them; 2) in doing that, we provide defenders with a new asymmetric advantage to better protect their organizations and 3) that these defensive properties are fundamental to the third generation of protection frameworks beyond traditional Antivirus and EDR solutions.