The Deep Magic: Why We Are and Always Will Be Vulnerable

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Antivirus, firewalls, and advanced monitoring solutions are often the first line of defense against cyberattacks. While these tools are essential and play a critical role in reducing risk, they also create the illusion that we’re fully protected.

The truth is that buried within the lowest levels of our software and hardware are critical vulnerabilities that will never be fully resolved. These flaws aren’t due to negligence or oversight; they’re built-in features and legacy components so deeply woven into their parent systems that fixing them is simply not feasible.

Let’s explore some of these vulnerabilities across different platforms to see why, despite advancements in cybersecurity, some problems remain too deeply rooted to be completely resolved – and what we can do about it.

AMSI Bypass: Windows’ Weak Link

The Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) was introduced to strengthen Windows security by providing a central checkpoint for antivirus software to scan and analyze scripts and in-memory content for malicious activity. This is especially important for catching advanced attacks that use tools like PowerShell to run harmful commands that traditional defenses might miss.

The catch is that all antivirus software on Windows must communicate with AMSI before triggering any alerts. If an attacker can bypass AMSI using tricks like obfuscation or altering code in memory, the antivirus becomes blind to these attacks. In other words, the attacker can make AMSI falsely report that everything is safe, even when it’s not.

Fixing this issue is complicated because AMSI is deeply integrated into how Windows manages scripts and code execution. Correcting it would require a massive overhaul that could disrupt many programs and services. Even though this vulnerability has been known since 2018, addressing it fully could cause more problems than it solves, making it a tough challenge to fix without breaking everything else.

IFEO Exploits: Hijacking the Gateway

Image File Execution Options (IFEO) was designed to help developers debug applications by controlling how certain programs start. Attackers, however, can modify IFEO settings stored in the Windows registry—a database for system settings—after gaining administrative access. They can then hijack legitimate program launches, such as your web browser, and redirect them to a malicious duplicate that looks and acts like the real thing. This fake program can steal data, capture keystrokes, or monitor activity, all while appearing normal to security systems.

IFEO is a legitimate feature used for debugging and performance monitoring, making it a blind spot for antivirus programs. Fixing this would require a complete re-engineering of how Windows handles these settings, particularly within its registry. Such changes would disrupt thousands of applications and services, making a comprehensive fix unlikely.

AVrf Vulnerabilities: Attacks from Within

Application Verifier (AVrf) is designed to help developers monitor their applications for errors and performance issues. Attackers can exploit AVrf settings stored in the Windows registry, allowing them to inject malicious code early in the system’s startup process. This enables attackers to bypass most security defenses before they activate. System core rootkits can also be used in conjunction with AVrf exploitation, hiding the attacker’s presence while maintaining control over the system. This allows the malicious code to run with elevated privileges from the start, giving attackers near-complete control.

This attack is particularly dangerous because it operates at a low level, often going unnoticed by traditional security solutions. Fixing this vulnerability would require rethinking how Windows manages these low-level processes. However, doing so would break compatibility with many applications that rely on AVrf, making such a fix too disruptive for Microsoft to implement.

Spectre and Meltdown: Hardware-Level Exposure

Spectre and Meltdown are critical vulnerabilities that affect almost all modern computers. Both exploits a feature called "speculative execution," where processors try to predict and execute future tasks early to boost performance. Hackers take advantage of this by running specially crafted code that tricks the processor into accessing sensitive data, like passwords or encryption keys, stored in restricted areas of memory. Although this data isn’t directly visible, attackers use a technique called a side-channel attack to measure tiny changes in the CPU’s performance, allowing them to infer and steal sensitive information.

These vulnerabilities are deeply embedded in the hardware design of most devices. Fixing them completely would require redesigning the architecture of processors, which is nearly impossible given the billions of affected devices in use worldwide. Software patches have been developed to mitigate the risk, but they often reduce system performance and do not completely eliminate the threat.

Dirty COW: The Long-Standing Linux Loophole

Linux is often considered more secure than Windows, but it’s not immune to critical flaws. One of the most notorious is Dirty COW, a vulnerability in Linux’s core, known as the kernel. The kernel is like the control center of the operating system, managing everything from hardware to running applications. This flaw, which went unnoticed for nearly a decade, allows attackers to gain root access—complete control over a system—by tricking the kernel into letting them modify read-only files. Attackers exploit this vulnerability by rapidly attempting to write to a file that’s supposed to be read-only while the system is busy reading it. This confuses the kernel, and due to a bug, it momentarily allows the attacker to make changes, giving them the highest level of privileges on the system.

Patches have been released to mitigate Dirty COW but completely fixing it would require redesigning how Linux handles memory, which would disrupt countless applications. Given its widespread use across servers, smartphones, and devices, such a change is impractical. While patches help reduce the risk, they don’t fully solve the underlying issue, leaving systems indefinitely vulnerable.

Insecure ICS Protocols: The Achilles’ Heel of Critical Infrastructure

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are the backbone of critical infrastructure, managing everything from power plants to manufacturing facilities. Despite their importance, many of these systems still rely on outdated communication protocols, such as Modbus, DNP3, and OPC, which lack basic security features like encryption and authentication. These protocols were designed assuming industrial systems would be isolated from external networks. However, as ICS environments have become increasingly interconnected with corporate networks and the internet, they’ve been exposed to modern cybersecurity threats. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which are the “brains” behind many automated processes, are particularly vulnerable to attack.

By exploiting these outdated protocols, hackers can hijack PLCs and send rogue commands, using techniques like replay attacks or command injection to cause the system to execute unintended actions like shutting down machinery, disrupting production, or even causing physical damage. Since PLCs are trusted components within ICS, their activity is often not closely monitored by security tools, allowing malicious actions to go undetected until it’s too late.

Addressing these vulnerabilities would require a complete overhaul of the ICS infrastructure, including updating PLCs and implementing modern, secure communication protocols. However, such changes would be costly, complex, and disruptive to operations, making it unlikely that industries will fully address these vulnerabilities soon. As a result, critical infrastructure remains exposed to potential sabotage and cyberattacks, highlighting the urgent need for improved security measures.

Conclusion: Strengthening Security Through Defense in Depth

Some vulnerabilities are so deeply embedded in our systems that eliminating them entirely would require changes that could disrupt entire industries. Even with patches and updates, the complexity of modern technology ensures that new issues will continue to arise. This is why adopting a Defense in Depth strategy is essential. Defense in Depth layers multiple security measures to create a robust and resilient defense. It combines basic tools like antivirus and firewalls with advanced techniques such as Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), network segmentation, and zero-trust architecture. Network segmentation isolates different parts of the network, making it harder for attackers to move laterally if they gain access. Zero-trust principles ensure that all users and devices are continuously verified, regardless of their location or previous access.

These layers work together to create multiple barriers, significantly reducing the chances of a successful attack. Implementing Defense in Depth allows organizations to manage risks and contain breaches more effectively, even when some defenses fail. It’s not about achieving perfect security, but about building a resilient system that minimizes the impact of inevitable threats. In a world where some vulnerabilities may never be fully resolved, this layered approach is the best way to protect critical assets and maintain operational integrity.

How Arms Cyber Can Help

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